5 tips to get healthy

Being overweight will shorten your life expectancy. Being fit will make you feel better and gives you energy in everything you do. Remember, the road to being fit isn't that big of a mountain to climb. It is all about balance.

Some quick tips to get you on the right path:
- No coca cola regular; regular contains a lot of sugar, start drinking diet coke instead, within a week, you realize diet coke tastes just as good as regular, you just had to get used to it. This goes for any drink with high sugar value. Clean water is always a good choice.
- Find a sport/excersize you enjoy; Finding an activity you like is not easy yet it can be a lot of fun. Take your time and try everything at least once! Don't give up too easy on this one, it is perfectly normal you don't feel comfortable running half a marathon in the park, there are more fun and easy ways to burn calories anyway.
- Like yourself, set achievable goals; Stay motivated by setting achievable goals, this will make you more confident you can lose those pounds.
- Learn about food; Food isn't just food, it is important you know what nutritions you need and don't need. Read about this and make a habit out of checking the package for nutritional value for everything you eat.
- Getting fit is not a diet:  Getting and staying fit is a way of life, therefore you need to find the balance you are comfortable with. This way you can keep your improved lifestyle and stay healthy for the rest of your life.

Hopefully these tips are helpful...at least they work for me :)


  1. I thought this was going to be pointless but it ended up actually being quite helpful

  2. Excellent blog! Enjoyed reading it, keep them posts coming =)

  3. Good tips, but I should point out that 1. Diet Soda is worse then normal soda because artificial sweeteners have a lot of worse side effects then normal sugar (in many cases even serious cases of cancer) and also anything in moderation is ok. It's also dangerous to be underweight but good luck to those trying to manage their weight. Following

  4. Really great tips you've got there, and for exercise I also suggest finding a friend to do with. Saying no then becomes harder, and you won't regret it in the end!

  5. Dude that no coke thing is no joke; i use to drink soda every day and like finished a 12pk in 2 days. I have stopped like a month ago and started drinking water. I have lost 10lbs.

  6. Great blog! Keep the posts coming, i enjoy reading them!

  7. I like the idea of fitness being a lifestyle choice. Good call on the coke. Water is always better than soda when watching what you put into your body.

  8. Man this is the healthiest blog on the web. AND you can listen music while you read, nice.

  9. I think I've read that aspartame in order to cause cancer must be consumed in huge quantities, like 20 bottles of diet Coke per day, I may be wrong though.

  10. yea man really good tips. check out my blog for similar tips for workout, nutrition, diet etc

  11. I was just planning about better diet, thanks

  12. I'm halfway doing this, I just need to find something to enjoy doing outside!

  13. Nice to see you here Garret! thanks for share this post, it's helpfull.

  14. good tips for everyone, not just those looking to lose weight

  15. It's true, there is no shortcut to being fit. But when you are fit (really fit) you wonder why anybody would want to live an unfit lifestyle anyway.

  16. i need an easy way to get me a good diet. all "guides" i read advise eating the exact same thing every day (most including chicken) and i really can't be arsed doing that!

  17. lol i fail with all of the things that you have listed ><

    I have followed your blog..Could you follow mine too please?

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  18. What'd be a perfect addition is actually to research what and how the Nutrition Facts actually mean. Alot of people actually misunderstand them.

  19. Great tips. Not only does being healthy increase your longevity, but you feel better about yourself on day to day basis.

  20. If I'll ever need it, I'll remember this!

  21. Nice, Damn I drink Coca Cola way too much, gotta give up this bad habit.

  22. I came back here , because i must know, do you have any usefull article about 'learning food' ?

  23. I like to find an active hobby, Like biking.

  24. getting healthy? check my blog xD

  25. EARLY MORNING JOGS GUYS! That is the answer to everything. It really makes you feel like an Alpha Male.

  26. Some great advice here. Going vegetarian when I was a teenager made me check the labels on food and become a lot more aware of what is in food. It''s often quite surprising!

  27. Good beginning tips.

    drink nothing but water!

    high fructose corn syrup has the same effect on your liver as alcohol, and can be effectively deemed as poison.

    and it's in everything..

  28. Here in Brazil, the women prefer men that are athletics.

    I have to stop drinking coca.

  29. I need to exercise D:

    I eat healthy and I eat junk food once a month or less.

  30. I always try to do this, but each time I stop one week later...
